Why Is My Pool Green
Written by webtechs

Dealing With a Green Pool

Why Is My Pool Green

Dealing with a green pool can be frustrating but is generally manageable with the right approach. Here are steps to help you clear up a green pool:

  1. Test the Water: Use a pool water testing kit to check the pH, chlorine levels, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. This helps determine the extent of the problem and guides treatment.
  2. Adjust pH Levels: Ensure the pH of the pool water is between 7.2 and 7.6. If it’s too high (alkaline), use pH reducer. If too low (acidic), use pH increaser.
  3. Shock the Pool: Use a pool shock treatment (chlorine shock) to significantly raise chlorine levels and kill algae and bacteria. Follow manufacturer instructions for dosage based on pool size.
  4. Algaecide Treatment: Consider using an algaecide to kill existing algae and prevent further growth. Choose a suitable algaecide based on your pool type (saltwater, chlorine, etc.).
  5. Brush and Vacuum: Brush the pool walls and floor to loosen algae and debris. Vacuum the pool thoroughly to remove the dislodged algae.
  6. Filter and Circulation: Run your pool filter continuously until the water clears. Backwash or clean the filter as needed to maintain proper filtration.
  7. Retest and Repeat: Retest the water after 24 hours and repeat shock treatment or other steps as necessary until the pool water clears up.
  8. Preventative Maintenance: Once the pool is clear, maintain proper chlorine levels and pH balance regularly. Ensure good circulation and filtration to prevent future algae growth.
  9. Professional Help: If the problem persists or seems overwhelming, consider consulting a professional pool service for a more thorough assessment and treatment.

By following these steps diligently and maintaining regular pool maintenance practices, you can effectively clear up a green pool and keep it clean and clear throughout the swimming season.

Pool Maintenance In Gilbert, AZ

Pool Service Gilbert is a family-owned and operated business that has been serving the valley since 2004. We offer reliable and affordable pool services, including repairs, equipment installations and more! Our service area includes Ahwatukee, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona. Contact us right here for your upcoming pool service needs!

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Why Is My Pool Green
Written by webtechs

Why Is My Pool Green?

Why Is My Pool Green

There is nothing quite like owning and enjoying a backyard swimming pool. Yet, for all the benefits, there can be a few downsides. One of the downsides is a green coloring in your water. What is this and how can you fix it? Follow our guide below.

Why Is My Pool Water Green?

The green discoloration you are seeing in your pool water is a direct result of algae growth. This, unfortunately, can grow and spread very quickly within a pool. On a very hot day, commonplace in Arizona, a small algae infection can escalate quickly. Typically, an imbalance of chlorine is responsible for starting the algae growth.

Whenever the chlorine levels drop for just 24-48 hours, a green pool can be created. Therefore, checking the chlorine levels frequently is essential for any pool owner. The good news is it’s not too late if your pool is already green! Use the steps below to return your pool to its sparkling blue color.

How To Clean A Green Pool

Follow these five maintenance steps to clean your green pool:

Step 1. Remove Organic Debris

This should be obvious because organic debris such as leaves, branches, insects, and anything else that has fallen into the pool will start to break down and circulate bacteria. By taking out organic debris initially, it will make things easier on the pool’s filtration system and guarantees that any pool chemicals added won’t be hindered by debris in addition to speeding up the breakdown of debris in the pool. This will also provide the additional benefit of stopping or at least decrease the growth of any algae spores presently in the water. Be wary to not disrupt the water too much because this could cause bacteria to circulate.

Step 2. Assess Pool Water Chemistry

Following that, you would want to utilize a pool testing kit to get a benchmark for your pool chemistry such as this one to look for bromine, acid demand, chlorine, pH, and entire alkalinity. When necessary you can take a sample of your pool water and have it tested at your local pool store, but they suggest getting a water sample 12 to 18 inches below the water’s surface and to get a sample in the morning before the sun has a chance burn off the chlorine.

Step 3. Shock Pool Water

To correctly shock a pool, you’ll need to know how to shock a pool properly and what occurs when doing so. Even though it is known as “shocking” a pool, basically you are increasing the chlorine levels of the pool above what common levels should be at. This assists in killing any leftover bacteria in addition to algae that might still leftover following the removal of the organic debris. You should note, this will typically turn the water cloudy, but it should clear up within 24-48 hours. It is recommends shocking a pool at nighttime to bypass UV interference and that pH levels need to be between 7.2 to 7.4 for the ideal results.

Step 4. Pool Filter And Vacuum

Following your pool being shocked and the algae dying off because of the shock or the algaecide it’s now the time to filter and vacuum your pool. By vacuuming the pool prior to running the filter you’re making the job smoother on the cartridge, sand, or Diatomaceous Earth filter because when not done correctly you might need to have a professional replace your pool pump. A lot of pool professionals agree to run pool filter for no less than 24 hours continuously and to backwash the filters to stop clogs from entering the filtration system.

Step 5. Perform Routine Maintenance

After all your hard work is done and your pool isn’t green or cloudy anymore it is time to concentrate on a routine daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance regime. Or when you’re new to pool maintenance you can consult this Beginner’s Guide to Swimming Pool Maintenance for additional reading. Make sure you are backwashing your filters routinely in addition to skimming any debris that might have fallen in the pool too.

Pool Maintenance In Gilbert, AZ

Pool Service Gilbert is a family-owned and operated business that has been serving the valley since 2004. We offer reliable and affordable pool services, including repairs, equipment installations and more! Our service area includes Ahwatukee, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona. Contact us right here for your upcoming pool service needs!

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